WSIF API reference: Using ports

A WSIFPort interface handles the details of invoking an operation. The port provides access to the actual implementation of the service.

A WSDL document can provide many different WSDL bindings, and these bindings can drive multiple ports. The client can choose a port, the service stub can choose a port, or the Web Services Invocation Framework (WSIF) can choose a default port.

The port offers an interface to retrieve an Operation object. A WSIFOperation interface offers the ability to execute the given operation.

If the port is serialized and deserialized at a later time, then WSIF ensures that the client provides the correct information to the server to identify the instance. If the server instance is no longer available, then it is up to the server to decide whether to throw a fault or provide a new instance. That behavior can depend on the type of service.

For example, for an enterprise bean the WSIFPort interface stores the EJB Home, and uses it to select the bean before each invocation. It is the responsibility of the client to serialize or maintain the port instance if it wants instance support. The client must create a new operation and messages for each invocation.

Here is the WSIFPort interface.

Here is the WSIFOperation interface.


See also

WSIFPort interface
WSIFOperation interface


See Also

WSIF API reference: Creating a message for sending to a port
WSIF API reference: Finding a port factory or service