WSIFServiceFactory class

To find a service from a WSDL document at a Web address, or from a code-generated code base, use the WSIFServiceFactory class.

Note: When you create a WSIFService interface from a WSIFServiceFactory class, one can specify a ClassLoader object to use in locating the WSDL file. You need to specify this object when the WSDL file is in a JAR file. In such a case, specify the location of the WSDL file relative to the root of the JAR file, using forward slashes (/) with the preceding slash removed.

For example

rather than


For more information about the WSIFServiceFactory class (/wsi/org/apache/wsif/WSIFServiceFactory.html) see the generated API information.

The WSIFServiceFactory class returns null if no service is found with that identifier.


See Also

WSIFService interface
WSIFPort interface
WSIFOperation interface