Viewing the service log
The service log is a special log written in a binary format. You cannot view the log directly using a text editor. You should never directly edit the service log, as doing so will corrupt the log. To move the service log from one machine to another, use a mechanism like FTP, which supports binary file transfer.
We can view the service log in two ways:
- It is recommended that you use the Log Analyzer tool to view the service log. This tool provides interactive viewing and analysis capability that is helpful in identifying problems.
- If you are unable to use the Log Analyzer tool, use the Showlog tool to convert the contents of the service log to a text format that you can then write to a file or dump to the command shell window. The steps for using the Showlog tool are described in Showlog Script.
See also
Showlog Script
Using the showlog command to view Common Base Events