Use the Tivoli Performance Viewer
Use this page to view and refresh performance data for the selected server, change user settings, view summary reports, and information on specific performance modules.
To view this administrative console page, click...
Monitoring and Tuning | Performance Viewer | Current Activity | serverClick on the server name to view the current activity for that server.
Select one or more servers from the list and press Start monitoring to start the Tivoli Performance Monitor for the selected servers.
Select a resource from the Resource Selection panel, located on the left side, provides a hierarchical (tree) view of resources and the types of performance data available for those resources. Use this panel to select which resources to monitor and to start and stop data retrieval for those resources.
Click the View Chart tab in the Data Monitoring panel.
he Data Monitoring panel, located on the right side, enables the selection of multiple counters and displays the resulting performance data for the currently selected resource. It contains two panels: the Viewing Counter panel above and the Counter Selection panel below. If necessary, one can set the scaling factors by typing directly in the scale field.
The refresh operation is a local, not global, operation that applies only to selected resources. The refresh operation is recursive; all subordinate or children resources refresh when a selected resource refreshes. To refresh data:
Click one or more resources in the Resource Selection panel.
Click File > Refresh. Alternatively, click the Refresh icon or right-click the resource and select Refresh.
Clicking refresh with server selected under the viewer icon causes TPV to query the server for new PMI and product configuration information. Clicking refresh with server selected under the advisor icon causes TPV to refresh the advice provided, but will not refresh PMI or product configuration information.
Summary reports are available for each application server.
Before viewing reports, make sure data counters are enabled and monitoring levels are set properly.
The standard monitoring level enables all reports except the report on EJB methods. To enable an EJB methods report, specify Use synchronized update in the General properties section of the PMI services panel.
Tivoli Performance Viewer provides the following summary reports for each application server:
- Servlets
- Servlets show the total number of requests, average response time, and multiplication of total requests by average response time for all the servlets in a table. Servlets provide a sorting feature to help you find which servlet is the slowest or fastest and which servlet is called most frequently.
- EJBs
- Enterprise Java beans (EJBs) show the total number of method calls, average response time, and multiplication of total method calls by average response time for all the enterprise beans in a table. EJBs provide a sorting feature to help you find which EJB is the slowest or fastest and which EJB is called most frequently.
- EJB Methods
- EJB Methods show the total number of method calls, average response time, and multiplication of total method calls by average response time for the individual EJB methods in a table. EJB Methods provide a sorting feature to help you find which EJB method is the slowest or fastest and which EJB method is called most frequently.
- Connection pool
- Connection Pool shows a chart of pool size and pool in use for each data source.
- Thread pool
- Thread Pool shows charts of pool size, active threads, average response time, and throughput in the thread pool.
- Performance module
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