Use the Migration wizard

V6 migration always works by migrating an earlier supported version of WAS to a V6 profile.


Before you begin

Before using the Migration wizard, have access to the existing, previous version of WebSphere Application Server, and also have a valid V6 profile.

The Network Deployment product does not create a profile during installation because there are three profile types. The Installation wizard prompts you to create a profile, but that action is optional during installation. Create a stand-alone Application Server, a deployment manager profile, or a managed node if you have already created a deployment manager profile. Use the Profile creation wizard to create the necessary profiles before using the Migration wizard, keeping in mind that the V5.x and V6 cell names must match.

Migrating a V5 deployment manager to a V6 deployment manager moves all of the V5 managed nodes to become V5 managed nodes in the V6 cell. If you are migrating a V5 managed node that is part of a V6 cell to a V6 managed node, do not federate the managed node when you create it with the Profile creation wizard, but do be sure that the V5.x and V6 node names match. Migrating the V5 managed node to the V6 managed node also federates the node.



The Migration wizard is new as of V6. The wizard is the graphical interface to the V6 migration tools, the WASPreUpgrade command and the WASPostUpgrade command, which are command line tools. This topic describes how to use the Migration wizard to preform migrations to V6.


Steps for this task (dependent on configuration)


What to do next

Refer to the description of the wasprofile command to learn more about the profile creation tool command, and to see examples of how to use the command.


See also

Migrating from V4 to V6 with the Migration wizard
Migrating from V4 to a V6 deployment manager with the Migration wizard
Migrating a V5 Application Server to a V6 Stand-alone Application Server with the Migration wizard
Migrating a V5 deployment manager to V6 with the Migration wizard


Related Tasks

Migrating a V5.x managed node to a V6 managed node