Troubleshoot ActivitySessions
Use this overview task to help resolve a problem that you think is related to the ActivitySession service.
To identify and resolve ActivitySession-related problems, you can use the standard WAS RAS facilities. If you encounter a problem that you think might be related to ActivitySessions, complete the following stages:
- Check for ActivitySession messages in the admin console. The ActivitySession service produces diagnostic messages prefixed by "WACS". The error message indicates the nature of the problem and provides some detail. The associated message information provides an explanation and any user actions to resolve the problem.
- Check for ActivitySession messages. The ActivitySession service produces diagnostic messages prefixed by "WACS". The error message indicates the nature of the problem and provides some detail. The associated message information provides an explanation and any user actions to resolve the problem. Activity log messages produced by the ActivitySession service are accompanied by Log Analyzer descriptions.
Check in the application server's SystemOut.log at was_home\logs\server\SystemOut for error messages with the prefix WACS. If needed, check other messages, which should provide extra details about the problem.
See Also
The ActivitySession service