Timer service for Enterprise JavaBeans 2.1

In WebSphere Application Server, the EJB Timer Service implements EJB Timers as a new kind of Scheduler Service task. By default, an internal (or pre-configured) scheduler instance is used to manage those tasks, and they are persisted to a Cloudscape database associated with the server process.

However, one can perform some basic customization to the internal scheduler instance. For information about how to do this customization, see Configuring a Timer Service.

Creation and cancellation of Timer objects are transactional and persistent. That is, if a Timer object is created within a transaction and that transaction is later rolled back, the Timer object's creation is rolled back as well. Similar rules apply to the cancellation of a Timer object. Timer objects also survive across application server shutdowns and restarts.


See also

Timer service commands


Related Tasks

Configuring a Timer Service

Enterprise bean development

  1. Write your enterprise bean to implement the javax.ejb.TimedObject interface, including the ejbTimeout() method.

  2. The bean calls the EJBContext.getTimerService() method to get an instance of the TimerServiceobject.

  3. The bean calls the TimerService method to create a Timer. This Timer is now associated with that bean.

  4. After you create it, the Timer instance can be passed to other Java code as a local object.

Note: For WAS V6, no assembly tooling supports the Enterprise JavaBeans timedObject. To set the ejbTimeout method transaction attribute manually enter the attributes in the deployment descriptor. See Editing deployment descriptors and EJB Timer Service settings for more information.

Clustered environment considerations

In a single server environment, there is no question which server instance should invoke the ejbTimeout() method on a given bean. In a multi-server clustered environment there are two possibilities:

  • Separate timer service database per server process or cluster member. This is the default configuration. Only the server instance or cluster member that created the Timer can access the Timer and run the ejbTimeout() method. If the server instance is unavailable, the Timer does not run at the specified time, and does not run until the server is restarted. Also, if an enterprise bean calls the findTimers() method, only those timers created on the server instance are found. This can cause unexpected behavior if the enterprise bean attempts to cancel all timers associated with it; for example, when the enterprise bean is removed. This configuration is NOT recommended for production level systems.

  • Shared or common timer service database for the cluster. Timers can be created and accessed on any server process or cluster member. Timers created in one server process are found by the findTimers() method on other server processes in the cluster. When an entity bean is removed, all timers, no matter where created, are cancelled. However, all timers are executed on a single server in the cluster, that is, the ejbTimeout() method is run for all timers on a single server. Which server executes the timers varies depending on which server process obtains a lock on the common database tables. If the server executing timers becomes unavailable, then another server or cluster member takes over and begins executing all timers at their scheduled time. This is the recommended configuration for all production level systems.

  • A note about deadlock and access intent: When using the EJB Timer service in an application using multi-threaded database access, application flow can introduce deadlock problems. To avoid this, use the wsPessimisticUpdate access intent. This access intent causes the finder method in your application to run a select for update statement instead of a generic select. This in turn prevents the lock escalation deadlock when multiple threads try to escalate their locks to perform an update.

See Configuring a Timer Service for information on how to configure the data source (database) to be used for each server process timer service. Note that once the data source for the timer service is changed to point to a different database, the server process automatically attempts to create the required tables in that database on the next server start. If the userid associated with the start of the server process is not authorized to create database tables in the configured timer service database, then the tables must be created manually. For more information, see Creating scheduler tables using DDL files.