Template counters

Counter definitions

Name Key Description Version Granularity Type Level
HitsInMemoryCount cacheModule.hitsInMemoryCount The count of requests for cacheable objects that are served from memory 5.0 and above per cache instance CountStatistic Low
HitsOnDiskCount cacheModule.hitsOnDiskCount The count of requests for cacheable objects that are served from disk 5.0 and above per cache instance CountStatistic Low
ExplicitInvalidationCount cacheModule.explicitInvalidationCount The count of explicit invalidations 5.0 and above per cache instance CountStatistic Low
LruInvalidationCount cacheModule.lruInvalidationCount The count of cache entries that are removed from memory by a Least Recently Used (LRU) algorithm 5.0 and above per cache instance CountStatistic Low
TimeoutInvalidationCount cacheModule.timeoutInvalidationCount The count of cache entries that are removed from memory and disk because their timeout has expired 5.0 and above per cache instance CountStatistic Low
InMemoryAndDiskCacheEntryCount cacheModule.inMemoryAndDiskCacheEntryCount The current number of used cache entries in memory and disk 5.0 and above per cache instance CountStatistic Low
RemoteHitCount cacheModule.remoteHitCount The count of requests for cacheable objects that are served from other Java virtual machines within the replication domain 5.0 and above per cache instance CountStatistic Low
MissCount cacheModule.missCount The count of requests for cacheable objects that were not found in the cache 5.0 and above per cache instance CountStatistic Low
ClientRequestCount cacheModule.clientRequestCount The count of requests for cacheable objects that are generated by applications running on this application server 5.0 and above per cache instance CountStatistic Low
DistributedRequestCount cacheModule.distributedRequestCount The count of requests for cacheable objects that are generated by cooperating caches in this replication domain 5.0 and above per cache instance CountStatistic Low
ExplicitMemoryInvalidationCount) cacheModule.explicitMemoryInvalidationCount The count of explicit invalidations resulting in the removal of an entry from memory 5.0 and above per cache instance CountStatistic Low
ExplicitDiskInvalidationCount cacheModule.explicitDiskInvalidationCount The count of explicit invalidations resulting in the removal of an entry from disk 5.0 and above per cache instance CountStatistic Low
LocalExplicitInvalidationCount cacheModule.localExplicitInvalidationCount The count of explicit invalidations generated locally, either programmatically or by a cache policy 5.0 and above per cache instance CountStatistic Low
RemoteExplicitInvalidationCount cacheModule.remoteExplicitInvalidationCount The count of explicit invalidations received from a cooperating Java virtual machine in this replication domain 5.0 and above per cache instance CountStatistic Low
RemoteCreationCount cacheModule.remoteCreationCount The number of cache entries that are received from cooperating dynamic caches 5.0 and above per cache instance CountStatistic Low