Set up a development and unmanaged client run-time environment for Web services

WebSphere Application Server provides command-line tools to develop Web services clients and implementations that are based on the Web Services for J2EE specification. We can also you assembly tools and the Rational Application Developer. This topic explains how to set up your development and unmanaged client run environment in order to start the development process with these tools.


Before you begin

Before one can set up a Web services development and unmanaged client execution environment within WebSphere Application Server, Install WebSphere Application Server .



Set up a Web services development and unmanaged client run environment by following the listed actions:



  1. Develop thin application client code on a server machine.

    The thin application client provides the necessary run-time to support the communication needs between the client and the server.

  2. Run the setupCmdLine.bat command if you are using a Windows platform.

    Or, one can set WAS_USER_SCRIPT to instance_root\bin\setupCmdLine.bat, which has the same effect as running the setupCmdLine command.

    Linux and UNIX-based platforms source the script to the parent shell to inherit the exported variables by running this command

    . / (there is a space between the period and the slash)
    from the/instanceroot/bin directory or . /instanceroot/bin/ if executed from anywhere else.

  3. Configure the path. We can add the WebSphere and Java bin directories to your path by typing:

    On Windows platforms

    set PATH=%WAS_PATH%;%PATH%
    On UNIX

    export PATH=$WAS_PATH:$PATH



You have set up a development and unmanaged client run-time environment so that one can develop Web services.


What to do next

Develop Web services. This topic is a good starting point in learning about how to develop a J2EE Web service.


See Also

Accessing the Samples (Samples Gallery)


Related Tasks

Task overview: Installing
Developing Web services applications


See Also

Web services: Resources for learning