Runtime Performance Advisor

The Runtime Performance Advisor provides advice to help tune systems for optimal performance and is configured using the WebSphere Application Server administrative console or the wsadmin tool. Running in the Java virtual machine (JVM) of the application server, the Runtime Performance Advisor periodically checks for inefficient settings and issues recommendations as standard product warning messages. These recommendations are displayed both as warnings in the administrative console under WebSphere Runtime Messages in the WebSphere Status panel and as text in the application server SystemOut.log file. Enabling the Runtime Performance Advisor has minimal system performance impact.

The advice the Runtime Performance Advisor gives is all on the server level. The only difference when running in a Network Deployment environment is that you might receive contradictory advice on resources that are declared at the node or cell level and used at the server level.

For example, two sets of advice are given if a data source is declared at the node level to have a connection pool size of {10,50} and is used by two servers (server1 and server2). If server1 uses only two connections and server2 uses all fifty connections during peak load, the optimal connection pool size is different for the two servers. Therefore, the Runtime Performance Advisor gives two sets of advice (one for server1 and another for server2). You must be aware that the data source is declared at the node level and make your decisions appropriately by setting one size that works for both or declaring two different data sources for each server with the appropriate level.


See Also

Choosing the right performance advisor for the purpose
Tivoli Performance Viewer advisor