Run your new monitoring applications



Follow these steps to run your monitoring applications.



  1. You need a WAS installation or WAS J2EE client package to run a PMI application.

  2. Use a PMI client API to write your own application.

  3. Compile the newly-written PMI application and place it on the classpath. (The jar files under %WAS_HOME%\lib and %WAS_HOME%\classes folder will be placed in the classpath by the following script.)

  4. To run a PMI application we need a WebSphere Application Server runtime environment (the application server installation or a J2EE client package). Using the following script to run the application:

    @echo off
    call "%~dp0setupCmdLine.bat"
    "%JAVA_HOME%\bin\java" "%CLIENTSAS%" "%CLIENTSOAP%" -DwebsphereV5Statistics=false 
    -Dwas.install.root="%WAS_HOME%" -Dws.ext.dirs="%WAS_EXT_DIRS%" -classpath "%WAS_CLASSPATH%" %*


See also

Performance Monitoring Infrastructure client package
Run your monitoring applications with security enabled


See Also

Thin application clients