Response receiver
The response receiver defines the security requirements of the response received from a request to a Web service. The security constraints for response sender must match the security requirements of the response receiver. If the constraints do not match, the response is not accepted by the caller or the sender. The security handler enforces the security constraints based on the security requirements defined in the IBM extension deployment descriptor, located in the ibm-webservicesclient-ext.xmi file and in the bindings, located in the ibm-webservicessclient-bnd.xmi file.
For example, the security requirement might have the response Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) body encrypted. If the SOAP body of the SOAP message is not encrypted, the response is rejected and the appropriate fault code is communicated back to the caller of the Web services.
We can specify the following security requirements for a response receiver:
- Required integrity (digital signature)
- We can select which parts of a message are digitally signed. The following list contains the integrity options:
- Body
- Time stamp
- Required confidentiality (encryption)
- We can encrypt the body content of the message.
- Received time stamp
- We can have a time stamp for checking the timeliness of the message.
See also
Response receiver binding collection
See Also
Request sender
Response sender
Request receiver
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