Removing and reinstalling the UDDI Registry



An IBM WebSphere UDDI Registry node consists of a WebSphere application, a store of data (using a relational database management system or RDBMS) referred to as the UDDI database, and a means to connect the application to the data (a data source and related elements). All the data relating to UDDI is stored within the UDDI database and therefore exists irrespective of the UDDI application.

With these facts in mind, consider the following options:

  • To remove a node from a WAS you do not have to delete the database. You only have to delete the UDDI application and any associated resources such as the data source used (and J2C Authentication Data if used), as the data in the UDDI database is separate from the UDDI application.

  • You do not have to remove the UDDI application to start a new UDDI Registry node. Instead one can create a new, replacement node by changing the datasource which the UDDI application uses to access the new UDDI database.

Remove the UDDI application if you no longer want a UDDI facility on a particular WAS (one can subsequently move the UDDI Registry node to a different WebSphere Application Server).

Reinstall the UDDI application if you wish to continue to provide the UDDI facility on a particular WebSphere Application Server.

To reinstall a UDDI Registry node, see Reinstalling the UDDI application. To remove a UDDI application or to remove a UDDI Registry node, see Removing a UDDI Node.


See also

Removing a UDDI Registry node
Reinstalling the UDDI Registry application