Provide HTTP endpoint URL information



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Use this page to specify endpoint URL prefix information for Web services accessed by HTTP. Prefixes are used to form complete endpoint addresses included in published WSDL files.

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Applications | Enterprise Applications | application_instance | Provide HTTP endpoint URL information

We can specify a portion of the endpoint URL to be used in each Web service module. In a published WSDL file, the URL defining the target endpoint address is found in the location attribute of the port's soap:address element.


Configuration tab

Specify endpoint URL prefixes for Web services

Specifies the protocol (either http or https), host_name, and port_number to be used in the endpoint URL.

We can select a prefix from a predefined list using the HTTP URL prefix or Custom HTTP URL prefix field.

The URL prefix format is...


...for example...


The actual endpoint URL that appears in a published WSDL file consists of the prefix followed by the module's context-root and the Web service url-pattern, for example,...


Select default HTTP URL prefix

Drop down list associated with a default list of URL prefixes. This list is the intersection of the set of ports for the module's virtual host and the set of ports for the module's application server. Use items from this list if the Web services application server is accessed directly.

To set an HTTP endpoint URL prefix, select Select default HTTP URL prefix and select a value from the drop down list. Select the check box of the modules that are to use the prefix and click Apply. When you click Apply, the entry in the Select default HTTP URL prefix or Select custom HTTP URL prefix fields, depending on which is selected, is copied into the HTTP URL prefix field of any module whose check box is selected.

Select custom HTTP URL prefix

Specifies the protocol, host, and port_number of the intermediate service if the Web services in a module are accessed through an intermediate node, for example the Web services gateway or an IHS server.

To set a custom HTTP endpoint URL prefix, select Select custom HTTP URL prefix and enter a value. Select the check box of the modules that are to use the prefix and click Apply. When you click Apply, the entry in the Select default HTTP URL prefix or Select custom HTTP URL prefix fields, depending on which is selected, is copied into the HTTP endpoint URL prefix field of any module whose check box is selected.