Node group collection
Use this page to manage node groups. A node group is a collection of WAS nodes. A node group defines a boundary for server cluster formation.
Nodes that are organized into a node group should be enough alike in terms of installed software, available resources, and configuration to enable servers on those nodes to host the same applications as part of a server cluster. The deployment manager does no validation to guarantee that nodes in a given node group have anything in common.
Node groups are optional and are established at the discretion of the WebSphere administrator. However, a node must be a member of a node group. Initially, all Application Server nodes are members of the default node group. The default node group is DefaultNodeGroup.
A node can be a member of more than one node group.
On the z/OS platform, an Application Server node must be a member of a sysplex node group. Nodes in the same sysplex must be in the same sysplex node group. A node can only be in one sysplex node group. Sysplex node groups are special node groups that the system manages.
A node on a distributed platform and a node on a z/OS platform cannot be members of the same node group.
To delete a node group, the node group must be empty. The default node group cannot be deleted.
To view this administrative console page, click System Administration > Node groups.
- Name
Specifies a name for a node group that is unique within the cell.
- Members
Number of members or nodes in the node group.
- Description
Specifies a description that you define for the node group.
See also
Node group settings