Nested work areas
Applications can nest work areas. When an application creates a work area, a work area context is associated with the creating thread. If the application thread creates another work area, the new work area is nested within the existing work area and becomes the current work area. Nested work areas allow applications to define and scope properties for specific tasks without having to make them available to all parts of the application. All properties defined in the original, enclosing work area are visible to the nested work area. The application can set additional properties within the nested work area that are not part of the enclosing work area.
An application working with a nested work area does not actually see the nesting of enclosing work areas. The current work area appears as a flat set of properties that includes those from enclosing work areas. In the figure below, the enclosing work area holds several properties and the nested work area holds additional properties. From the outermost work area, the properties set in the nested work area are not visible. From the nested work area, the properties in both work areas are visible. Figure 1. Defining new properties in nested work areas
Nesting can also affect the apparent settings of the properties. Properties can be deleted from or directly modified only within the work areas in which they were set, but nested work areas can also be used to temporarily override information in the property without having to modify the property. Depending on the modes associated with the properties in the enclosing work area, the modes and the values of keys in the enclosing work area can be overridden within the nested work area.
The mode associated with a property when it is created determines whether nested work areas can override the property. From the perspective of a nested work area, the property modes used in enclosing work areas can be grouped as follows:
- Modes that permit a nested work area to override the mode or the value of a key locally. The modes that permit overriding are:
- Normal
- Fixed normal
- Modes that do not permit a nested work area to override the mode or the value of a key locally. The modes that do not permit overriding are:
- Read-only
- Fixed read-only
If an enclosing work area defines a property with one of the modes that can be overridden, a nested work area can specify a new value for the key or a new mode for the property. The new value or mode becomes the value or mode seen by subsequently nested work areas. Changes to the mode are governed by the restrictions described in Changing modes. If an enclosing work area defines a property with one of the modes that cannot be overridden, no nested work area can specify a new value for the key.
A nested work area can delete properties from enclosing work areas, but the changes persist only for the duration of the nested work area. When the nested work area is completed, any properties that were added in the nested area vanish and any properties that were deleted from the nested area are restored.
The following figure illustrates the overriding of properties from an enclosing work area. The nested work area redefines two of the properties set in the enclosing work area. The other two cannot be overridden. The nested work area also defines two new properties. From the outermost work area, the properties set or redefined in the nested work are not visible. From the nested work area, the properties in both work areas are visible, but the values seen for the redefined properties are those set in the nested work area. Figure 1. Redefining existing properties in nested work areas
See Also
Work area property modes
Related Tasks
Setting properties in a work area
Overriding work area properties