Naming services component troubleshooting tips

Naming is a J2EE service which publishes and provides access to resources such as connection pools, enterprise beans, and message listeners to client processes. If you have problems in accessing a resource which otherwise appears to be healthy, the naming service might be involved. To investigate problems with the WAS Naming service:

  • Browse the JVM logs for the server which is hosting the resource you are trying to access. Messages starting with NMSV are related to the Naming Service.

  • Open the Log Analyzer on the service log of the server which is hosting the resource you are trying to access and use it to browse error and warning messages.

  • With WAS running, run the dumpNameSpace command for Windows systems, or the command for UNIX systems, and pipe, redirect, or "more" the output so that it is easily viewed. This command results in a display of objects in the WAS namespace, including the directory path and object name.

    Note: The dumpNameSpace command does not dump all of the objects in the distributed namespace. It only dumps the objects that are in the local namespace of the process against which the command was run.

  • If the object a client needs to access does not appear, use the administrative console to verify that:

    • The server hosting the target resource is started.

    • The Web module or EJB container, if applicable, hosting the target resource is running.

    • The JNDI name of the target resource is correct and updated.

    • If the problem resource is remote, that is, not on the same node as the Name Server node, that the JNDI name is fully qualified, including the host name. This is especially applicable to Network Deployment configurations

  • View detailed information on the run-time behavior of the WAS Naming service by enabling trace on the following components and reviewing the output:



  • If you see an exception that appears to be CORBA related ("CORBA" appears as part of the exception name) look for a naming-services-specific CORBA minor code, further down in the exception stack, for information on the real cause of the problem. For a list of naming service exceptions and explanations, see the class in the Javadoc.

If none of these steps solve the problem:

For current information available from IBM Support on known problems and their resolution, see the IBM Support page.

IBM Support has documents that can save you time gathering information needed to resolve this problem. Before opening a PMR, see the IBM Support page.


Related Tasks

Troubleshooting by task


See Also

Troubleshooting installation problems