Example: Migrating - Listing the running server groups

The following examples demonstrate how to list running server groups in the WAS V4.0 and V6.x:

  • wscp V4.0

    set groups [ServerGroups list] 
    foreach sgroup $groups { 
       set thestate [ServerGroup show $sgroup -attribute {Name CurrentState} 
       puts $thestate 

  • wsadmin V6.x


    set clusters [$AdminControl queryNames type=Cluster,*] 
    foreach scluster $clusters { 
       set thestate [$AdminControl getAttributes $scluster {clusterName state}] 
       puts $scluster $thestate 


    # get line separator 
    import  java.lang.System  as  sys
    lineSeparator = sys.getProperty('line.separator')
    clusters = AdminControl.queryNames('type=Cluster,*').split(lineSeparator)
    for scluster in clusters:
         thestate = AdminControl.getAttributes(scluster, ['clusterName', 'state']) 
         print scluster  + " " + thestate + "\n"


See Also

Commands for the AdminControl object