Messages issued during installation and profile creation



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  1. Error: The input line is too long
  2. Note: The following file systems will be expanded during the installation

  3. The disk space is nn Mbyte less than required. The installation cannot continue.
  4. Specify a different directory or perform a manual uninstall
  5. Error: /usr/opt/ibm/gskta/bin/gsk7ikm: not found
  6. Error writing file = There may not be enough temporary disk space.
  7. Error: localhost is not a valid host name for remote access
  8. INFO: Created system preferences directory in java.home
  9. The installer could not successfully add the product information into the RPM database.
  10. Error: konqueror: not found

If you do not see a problem that resembles yours, or if the information provided does not solve your problem, contact IBM support for further assistance.


Error: The input line is too long

This is a profile creation error.

The installation directory path must be no longer than 60 characters.

  • Option 1: If the installation failed, reinstall the WAS product using a shorter directory path and a shorter node name.

    The node name field is available during a custom installation. The length of the default node name is usually short enough. Avoid using a node name that is longer than 10 characters if possible.

  • Option 2: If the installation was successful but the ISMPWSProfileLaunchAction failed, use the Profile creation wizard to create the profile. Use a shorter profile directory path and a shorter node name when creating the profile.

    You can select your own profiles path. It could be C:\profiles, for example.

    Verify from the log.txt file that the ISMPConfigManagerLaunchAction is successful.

    Examine the following messages in the log.txt file to determine whether the installation was successful. If so, one can run the Profile creation wizard to create the default profile

    (date time), Install, , 
         msg1, INSTCONFSUCCESS: Post-installation configuration is successful.
    (date time), Install, , 
         err, INSTCONFFAILED: Cannot complete required configuration actions 
         after the installation. The configuration failed. The installation is 
         not successful. Refer to 
         C:\Program Files\IBM\WebSphere\AppServer1234567890\logs\wasprofile\
            wasprofile_create_default.log for more details.
    (date time), Install, , 
         msg1, Profile Creation Tool (PCT) is executed.
    (date time), Install, , 
         msg1, INSTCONFFAILED

The following error within a log in...


...indicates that a wsadmin action has failed to create a profile. The failure is because the length of the file path, the cell name, and the node name on the command string has caused the entire command to exceed the operating system limit for command length

The input line is too long.

The profiles directory path must be no longer than 80 characters.

If your directory path is 80 characters or less and you still have a problem, edit...

install_root\bin\setupCmdLine.bat file make it use the Windows subst command. The subst command maps an entire path to a virtual drive. After editing the file, run the Profile creation wizard again. If changing the setupCmdLine.bat file does not fix the problem, install the WAS product using a shorter installation path, such as C:\WAS.

See "The input line is too long" section of Problems starting or using the wsadmin command for a description of how to edit the setupCmdLine.bat file.

Note: The following file systems will be expanded during the installation

We can allocate expansion space for directories on AIX. If the Installation wizard does not have enough space, InstallShield for MultiPlatforms (ISMP) issues a system call for more space that increases the space allocation dynamically. The message you might see when this occurs for the /usr directory is similar to the following example

NOTE: The following file systems will be expanded during the installation:


The disk space is nn Mbyte less than required. The installation cannot continue.

If the file system is not dynamically expandable, an insufficient amount of disk space results in a message that is similar to the following example

The disk space is 33 Mbyte less than required. The installation cannot continue.


Specify a different directory or perform a manual uninstall

This error indicates that you deleted the installation root directory before using the uninstaller program to remove the product. Now you attempting to reinstall into the same directory.

To correct the problem, perform a manual uninstall.

The warning entry in the $TMP/log.txt file is

(Month day, year time), Install,, wrn, Specify a different directory or perform a manual uninstall to remove all packages before reinstalling to the same directory.


Error: /usr/opt/ibm/gskta/bin/gsk7ikm: not found

This error indicates that the xlC.rte 6.0 run-time code has not been installed. You must install the xlC.rte 6.0 run-time code before you install Global Security Kit 7 (GSKit7).

To correct this problem, download the run-time code from the AIX Support site. If you have AIX 5.2, install the xlC.rte 6.0 run-time code from the AIX 5.2 CD.

See also installation prerequisites.


Error writing file = There may not be enough temporary disk space.

Searching for Java(tm) Virtual Machine...
A suitable JVM could not be found. 
Please run the program again using the option
 -is:javahome <JAVA HOME DIR> 
Error writing file =  There may not be enough temporary disk space. 
Try using -is:tempdir to use a temporary directory on a partition with more disk space.

This error can occur when you have not provided enough temp space to create a profile. Verify that you have a minimum of 40 MB of temp space available before creating a profile.

See Using the Profile creation wizard for more information about creating profiles.


Error: localhost is not a valid host name for remote access

This error occurs when you enter localhost as the value for the Host name field in the Profile creation wizard.

The host name is the network name for the physical machine on which the node is installed. The host name must resolve to a physical network node on the server. When multiple network cards exist in the server, the host name or IP address must resolve to one of the network cards. Remote nodes use the host name to connect to and to communicate with this node. Selecting a host name that other machines can reach within your network is extremely important. Do not use the generic localhost identifier for this value.

If you define coexisting nodes on the same computer with unique IP addresses, define each IP address in a DNS look-up table. Configuration files for stand-alone Application Servers do not provide domain name resolution for multiple IP addresses on a machine with a single network address. The value that you specify for the host name is used as the value of the hostName property in configuration documents for the stand-alone Application Server. Specify the host name value in one of the following formats:

  • Fully qualified DNS host name string, such as

  • The default short DNS host name string, such as xmachine

  • Numeric IP address, such as

The fully qualified DNS host name has the advantage of being totally unambiguous and also flexible. You have the flexibility of changing the actual IP address for the host system without having to change the Application Server configuration. This value for host name is particularly useful if you plan to change the IP address frequently when using Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) to assign IP addresses. A format disadvantage is being dependent on DNS. If DNS is not available, then connectivity is compromised.

The short host name is also dynamically resolvable. A short name format has the added ability of being redefined in the local hosts file so that the system can run the Application Server even when disconnected from the network. Define the short name to (local loopback) in the hosts file to run disconnected. A format disadvantage is being dependent on DNS for remote access. If DNS is not available, then connectivity is compromised.

A numeric IP address has the advantage of not requiring name resolution through DNS. A remote node can connect to the node you name with a numeric IP address without DNS being available. A format disadvantage is that the numeric IP address is fixed. You must change the setting of the hostName property in Express configuration documents whenever you change the machine IP address. Therefore, do not use a numeric IP address if you use DHCP, or if you change IP addresses regularly. Another format disadvantage is that one cannot use the node if the host is disconnected from the network.


Warning: Cannot convert string "<type_name>"to type FontStruct

If you install the Web server plug-ins for WebSphere Application Server, you also install the ikeyman utility. The ikeyman utility is part of the Global Services Kit 7 (GSKit7).

If you issue the script on a Linux system, you might see the following message

Warning: Cannot convert string "-monotype-arial-regular-r-normal--*-140-*-*-p-*-iso8859-1" to type FontStruct

We can safely ignore the warning and use the ikeyman utility.


INFO: Created system preferences directory in java.home

The Key Man Utility (ikeyman) on Linux Redhat Enterprise 3.0 displays the following message after your first use of the utility

[root@bensonl2 bin]# ./
Oct 19, 2004 10:47:26 AM java.util.prefs.FileSystemPreferences$3 run
INFO: Created system preferences directory in java.home.

The utility is logging preferences. The message does not display when you use the utility again.

We can safell ignore the message.


The installer could not successfully add the product information into the RPM database.

If the last line in the log.txt file is something similar to the following example, the problem might be a corrupt RedHat Package Manager (RPM) database

(Oct 17, 2004 4:02:16 PM), 
wrn, The installer could not successfully add the product 
information into the RPM database. Installation will continue 
as this is not critical to the installation of the product.

Run the following command to verify that the problem is a corrupt RPM database

rpm -q --all

If the command hangs, the problem is a corrupt RPM database.


Error: konqueror: not found

The ISMP Launch Browser action throws the following exception on Linux and UNIX systems:

com.installshield.wizardx.actions.LaunchBrowserAction, err, 
konqueror: not found
STACK_TRACE: 11 konqueror: not found
       at java.lang.UNIXProcess.forkAndExec(Native Method)
       at java.lang.UNIXProcess.<init>(
       at java.lang.Runtime.execInternal(Native Method)
       at java.lang.Runtime.exec(
       at java.lang.Runtime.exec(
       at java.lang.Runtime.exec(
       at com.installshield.util.BrowserLauncher.openURL(
       at com.installshield.wizardx.actions.LaunchBrowserAction.execute(LaunchBrowserAction

This action searches for a Netscape, Mozilla, or Konqueror browser for displaying an HTML page or a Web site. In the case of the Web server plug-ins for WebSphere Application Server, the target page is the Plug-ins roadmap. Even though the ISMP Launch Browser action might find Mozilla or Netscape, the exception is thrown and a log entry occurs.

We can safely ignore this error.


Related Tasks

Troubleshooting by task
Troubleshooting by component


See Also

Troubleshooting installation problems