WebSphere MQ topic destination collection
The JMS topic destinations configured in the WebSphere MQ messaging provider for point-to-point messaging with JMS topics. Use this panel to create or delete topic destinations, or to select a topic destination to view or change its configuration properties.
This panel shows a list of JMS topic destinations with a summary of their configuration properties.
To view this administrative console page, use the administrative console to complete the following steps:
- In the navigation pane, expand Resources > JMS Providers > WebSphere MQ.
- If appropriate, in the content pane, change the scope of the WebSphere MQ messaging provider. If the scope is set to node or server scope for a Version 5 node, the administrative console presents the subset of resources and properties that are applicable to WebSphere Application Server V5.
- In the content pane, under Additional Resources, click WebSphere MQ Topic Destinations. This displays a list of any existing JMS topic destinations.
To create a new topic destination, click New.
To view or change the href="MQ_topic_settings.html">properties of a topic destination, select its name in the list displayed.
To act on one or more of the topic destinations listed, click the check box next to the name of the topic, then use the href="Admin_console_buttons.html">buttons provided.
See also
WebSphere MQ topic settings
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