Local operating system user registry settings
Use this page to configure local operating system user registry settings.
To view this administrative console page, click Security > Global Security. Under User registries, click Local OS.
Configuration tab
- Server user ID
Specifies a valid user ID in the local OS registry.
This ID is the security server ID, which is only used for WebSphere Application Server security and is not associated with the system process that runs the server. The server calls the Local OS registry to authenticate and obtain privilege information about users by calling the native APIs in that particular registry. Access to native APIs is normally restricted to users having special privileges (for example, root in UNIX systems and Act as part of operating system in Windows systems). To use security in the application server, the process ID (not the security server ID) on which WebSphere Application Server runs requires enough privileges to call the system APIs. The special privilege means that the process running the WebSphere Application Server needs to be part of the Administrators group and have the Act as part of operating system privilege on Windows systems, and be root, or have root authority on UNIX systems.
Note: If you are configuring Local OS security on Windows and you encounter the A required privilege is not helped by the client error message, follow the procedure documented to give the user those privileges. To set the privilege, click Start > Settings > Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Local Security Policy > Local Policies > User Rights Assignments > Act as part of the operating system.
When using a Windows system registry, this ID cannot match the name of the Windows machine. Windows systems treat the machine name bob as having an account similar to user bob.
Data type: String Units: Alphanumeric characters - Server user password
Specifies a valid user password that corresponds to a valid user ID in the local OS registry.
Data type String