LIKE predicate
The LIKE predicate searches a string value for a certain pattern
string-expression [NOT] LIKE pattern [ ESCAPE escape-character ]The pattern value is a string literal or parameter marker of type string in which the underscore ( _ ) stands for any single character and percent ( % ) stands for any sequence of characters ( including empty sequence ). Any other character stands for itself. The escape character can be used to search for character _ and %. The escape character can be specified as a string literal or an input parameter.
If the string-expression is null, then the result is unknown.
If both string-expression and pattern are empty, then the result is true.
Example: LIKE predicate
- '' LIKE '' is true
- '' LIKE '%' is true
- LIKE '12%3' is true for '123' '12993' and false for '1234'
- LIKE 's_me' is true for 'some' and 'same', false for 'soome'
- LIKE '/_foo' escape '/' is true for '_foo', false for 'afoo'
- LIKE '//_foo' escape '/' is true for '/afoo' and for '/bfoo'
- LIKE '///_foo' escape '/' is true for '/_foo' but false for '/afoo'
See Also
EJB query language
WHERE clause
Related Tasks
Using EJB query