JMS provider settings for application clients
Use this page to configure properties of the Java Message Service (JMS) provider, if you want to use a JMS provider other than the default messaging provider or the WebSphere MQ as a JMS provider.
To view this Application Client Resource Configuration Tool (ACRCT) page, click File > Open. After you browse for an EAR file, click Open. Expand the selected JAR file. Right click Messaging Providers, and click New. The following fields appear on the General tab.
- Name
The name by which the JMS provider is known for administrative purposes.
Data type String - Description
A description of the JMS provider, for administrative purposes.
Data type String - Class Path
A list of paths or .jar file names which together form the location for the resource provider classes.
- Context factory class
The Java class name of the initial context factory for the JMS provider.
For example, for an LDAP service provider the value has the form: com.sun.jndi.ldap.LdapCtxFactory.
Data type String - Provider URL
The JMS provider URL for external JNDI lookups.
For example, an LDAP URL for a JMS provider has the form: ldap://
Data type String - Custom Properties
Specifies name-value pairs for setting additional properties on the object that is created at run time for this resource.
You must enter a name that is a public property on the object and a value that can be converted from a string to the type required by the set method of the property. The acceptable properties and values depend on the object that is created. Refer to the object documentation for a list of valid properties and values.