JMS components on v5 nodes

To provide messaging support on a WebSphere Application Server v5 node, there is at most one JMS server and some number of JMS resources configured for the default messaging JMS provider on that node.

A JMS server on a v5 node serves the JMS resources (connection factories and destinations) for that node. The JMS server is managed as a separate process to application servers on the same node. Any application server within the domain can access JMS resources served by any JMS server on any node in the domain.

A connection factory encapsulates the configuration properties used to create connections with the JMS provider, to enable applications to access JMS destinations.

The main components of JMS support on a v5 node are shown in the figure The main components of WebSphere JMS support.

Figure 1. The main JMS components on a version 5 node. This figure shows the main JMS components on a version 5 node, from JMS provider through a connection to a destination, then to a WebSphere enterprise application (acting as a JMS client) that processes the message retrieved from the destination. For more information, see the text that accompanies this figure.


See Also

Message-driven beans - listener port components