Interoperating with schedulers



Schedulers support forward compatibility. Tasks created in previous versions of WAS Enterprise Edition 5.0 or WebSphere Business Integration Server Foundation 5.1 continue to run in WebSphere Application Server, V6 schedulers. Tasks that you create using V6 are not compatible with product schedulers from V5 or earlier. V5 schedulers do not run any V6 tasks.

All schedulers that are configured to use the same database and tables are considered a clustered scheduler. To guarantee that your tasks will run correctly, all servers in a scheduler cluster must be at the same version. If the servers are at different versions, tasks created with a V6 scheduler may not run. If a mixed-Venvironment is required for a short period of time, then all scheduler poll daemons should be stopped on all V5 servers to allow a V6 server to run all tasks. This action allows the V6 schedulers to obtain leases and run tasks that have been created with a V6 scheduler.

Run tasks created with schedulers prior to V5.0.2 is not supported. See the topic, "Interoperating with the Scheduler service," in the WebSphere Application Server Enterprise Edition V5.0.2 information center for details on how to migrate these tasks to a more recent version. See the Information Center Library to access the V5.0.2 information center.


Related Tasks

Configuring schedulers