Install IBM HTTP Server
Install the IBM HTTP Server V6 product and its plug-in, or install a plug-in for another supported Web server to enable the Web server to work with WebSphere Application Server, V6.
To use a Web server other than IBM HTTP Server V6, install and configure the Web server before or after installing the WAS product, but before installing the Web server plug-ins for WebSphere Application Server.
The Plug-ins installation wizard configures supported Web servers.
We can also manually configure supported Web servers for WebSphere Application Server, V6, as described in Editing Web server configuration files.
After installing the Web server and the Application Server, install the appropriate Web server plug-in for a supported, installed Web server. No further configuration is required for most Web servers.
Installing IBM HTTP Server
- Prepare your operating platform for installing IBM HTTP Server.
- Insert the product disc and mount the disc if necessary.
See Packaging for information about identifying the product disc. See Mounting CD-ROMS on Linux and UNIX operating systems for information about mounting the product disc, if you are installing IBM HTTP Server on a Linux or UNIX platform.
- Start the installation with the command on Linux and UNIX platforms or the launchpad.bat on Windows platforms.
We can also start the installation using the command...
/IHS/installIf you have a problem launching the launchpad, use the troubleshooting information in Using the launchpad to start the installation to correct the problem.
When using the launchpad, launch the Installation wizard for IBM HTTP Server:
After launching the Installation wizard from the launchpad or from the command line, the ISMP wizard initializes and then displays the Welcome panel.
Separate installation procedures for the WAS product, the IBM HTTP Server product, and the Web server plug-ins let you install only what we need on a particular machine. Installation of the product code is simplified and faster than in V5. The installation program installs the system files (shared binary files), which you do not update until you install a service fix. Creation and configuration of application servers do not change the system files.
- Click Next to display the License agreement panel.
- Accept the license agreement and click Next to display the installation root directory panel.
- Specify the root directory information and click Next to display the feature type selection panel.
The panel lets you bypass features selection by accepting typical features. Selecting Custom lets you select features in the Features selection panel.
- Click Custom to select features and click Next to display the Features selection panel.
- Select features to install and click Next to display the Windows service authorization panel, when installing IBM HTTP Server on a Windows platform.
- Specify your user ID and password information and click Next when installing IBM HTTP Server on a Windows platform.
- Review the confirmation panel to verify your selections. Click Back to change any of your specifications. Click Next to begin installing IBM HTTP Server.
- Review the confirmation panel to verify your selections. Click Back to change any of your specifications. Click Next to begin installing IBM HTTP Server.
After displaying installation status, the wizard displays the Completion status panel that indicates a successful installation.
- Click Next to display the Web server plug-ins prompt panel.
- Click Next to launch the Plug-ins installation wizard. See Installing Web server plug-ins to continue the installation.
If the plugin directory does not exist at the same level as the IHS directory, the prompt panel for selecting the plug-ins installer does not display and the installation is finished. In that case, launch the Plug-ins installation wizard using the launchpad.
We can install the IBM HTTP Server product.
What to do next
We can get started easily with SSL connections, by making only a few configuration changes, as described in Configuring IBM HTTP Server for SSL mutual authentication. If you are using the IBM HTTP Server on a Windows platform, one can configure the Fast Response Cache Accelerator to boost performance.
We can also make many other configuration changes with Apache directives. Refer to the Information center for IBM HTTP Server for a description of configuring the Web server for SSL, the Fast Response Cache Accelerator, or Apache directives.
Return to Installing the product and additional software to continue.