Overview and new features for securing applications and their environment
- What is new for security specialists
This topic provides an overview of new and changed features in security.
- WebSphere security architecture
This IBM Education Assistant presentation provides an overview of the security architecture. Additional presentations are available that focus on the following concepts:
- Introduction: Security
This topic describes how IBM WAS provides security infrastructure and mechanisms to protect sensitive Java 2 Platform, Enterprise Edition (J2EE) resources and administrative resources and to address enterprise end-to-end security requirements on authentication, resource access control, data integrity, confidentiality, privacy, and secure interoperability.
- Integrating IBM WAS security with existing security systems
This topic describes how the product security features relate to the security features of the environment into which you have added application serving capability.
- Planning to secure your environment
Several communication links are provided from a browser on the Internet, through Web servers and product servers, to the enterprise data at the back-end. This topic examines some typical configuration and common security practices. WebSphere Application Server security is built on a layered security architecture. This section also examines the security protection offered by each security layer and common security practice for good quality of protection in end-to-end security.
The Samples Gallery offers:
- Login - Form Login
The Form Login Sample demonstrates a very simple example of how to use the login facilities for WebSphere Application Server to implement and configure login applications. The Sample uses the J2EE form-based login technology to customize the look and feel of the login screens. It uses servlet filters to log the user information and the date information. The Sample finishes the session by using the form-based logout function, an IBM extension to the J2EE specification.
- Login - JAAS Login
The JAAS Login Sample demonstrates how to use the Java Authentication and Authorization Service (JAAS) with WebSphere Application Server. The Sample uses server-side login with JAAS to authenticate a real user to the WebSphere security run time. Based upon a successful login, the WebSphere security run time uses the authenticated Subject to perform authorization checks on a protected stateless session enterprise bean. If the Sample runs successfully, it displays all the principals and public credentials of the authenticated user.