Enable the work area service



For an application to take advantage of work areas, the work area service must be enabled for both clients and servers. On a server the service is disabled by default. On the client the service the service is enabled by default.



  1. Enable (or disable) the use of work areas on a server:

    1. Start the administrative console.

    2. Select Servers > Application servers >servername > Business Process Services > Work area service.

    3. Select or clear the Startup check box. This specifies whether or not the server should automatically start the work area service when the server starts.

  2. Enable (or disable) the use of work areas on a client: Set the com.ibm.websphere.workarea.enabled property to TRUE or FALSE before starting the client. For example, to disable the work area service, when invoking the launchClient script found in the $WAS_HOME/bin directory, add the following system property to the launchClient invocation


  3. Enter a new value in the Maximum send size field to modify the size of the work area that this server can send, or enter a new value in the Maximum receive size field to modify the size of the work area that this server can accept.


See also

Work area service settings


Related Tasks

Manage the size of work areas


Related Information

WorkArea service: Special considerations