EJB endpoint URL syntax
An enterprise JavaBean (EJB) endpoint URL is used to access a Web service with the EJB Remote Method Invocation over Internet Inter-ORB Protocol (RMI-IIOP) transport. The URL specifies the EJB endpoint, including the EJB home class, the EJB Java Naming and Directory Interface (JNDI) name, and optional properties.
An EJB endpoint URL has the following format
- wsejb is the transport type
- classname is the name of the home interface class associated with the EJB to be invoked
- property and value pairs represent the set of required and optional properties. These properties are used to set certain values in the EJB endpoint URL. The various properties and definitions are described in the table.
JNDI-related properties
Property name Description jndiName Specifies the JNDI name of the EJB. This property is required. initialContextFactory Name of the JNDI initial context factory. This property is optional jndiProviderURL Specifies the JNDI provider URL. This property is optional.
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