Develop Web services deployment descriptor templates for a JavaBeans implementation
Before you begin
To develop the JavaBeans implementation templates and bindings, obtain the URL of the WSDL file. If the WSDL file is a local file the URL looks like this example:file:/path/file_name.wsdlWe can also specify local files using the absolute or relative file system path.Implementation templates are generated using the WSDL2Java command, which also generates bindings and deployment descriptors.
WSDL2Java -verbose \ -role develop-server \ -container web wsdlURLThe following example uses the AddressBook JavaBeans implementation and AddressBook.wsdl to generate template files...
WSDL2Java -verbose \ -role develop-server \ -container web \ AddressBook.wsdl Parsing XML file: file:e:/example/app/topdown/step1/AddressBook.wsdl WSWS3185I: Info: Parsing XML file: AddressBook.wsdl WSWS3282I: Info: Generating addr\ WSWS3282I: Info: Generating addr\ WSWS3282I: Info: Generating addr\ WSWS3282I: Info: Generating addr\ WSWS3282I: Info: Generating addr\ WSWS3282I: Info: Generating WEB-INF\webservices.xml. WSWS3282I: Info: Generating WEB-INF\ibm-webservices-bnd.xmi. WSWS3282I: Info: Generating WEB-INF\AddressBook_mapping.xml. WSWS3282I: Info: Generating WEB-INF\ibm-webservices-ext.xmi.The file is the template for the implementation bean. It is named after the port in the WSDL file. Generally, this class is renamed to a more meaningful name.
What to do next
Complete the Java bean implementation.
Related Tasks
Completing the JavaBeans implementation
Developing a new Web service with an existing WSDL file using JavaBeans technology