Data access : Resources for learning
Use the following links to find relevant supplemental information about data access. The information resides on IBM and non-IBM Internet sites, whose sponsors control the technical accuracy of the information.
These links are provided for convenience. Often, the information is not specific to this product but is useful all or in part for understanding the product. When possible, links are provided to technical papers and Redbooks that supplement the broad coverage of the release documentation with in-depth examinations of particular product areas.
View links to additional information about:
- Programming Specifications
- CMP persistence functions
- Container-managed relationships
- Resource references
- Resource adapters
- Miscellaneous articles from the Sun Developer Network and IBM developerWorks Web sites
- Rational Application Developer
- WebSphere V5.x Information Center
- IBM Cloudscape
- Oracle
- DB2 database software
- Supported hardware, software, and APIs
Programming Specifications
- Enterprise JavaBeans Technology (Source for download of the Enterprise Javabeans 2.1 specification)
- JavaTM 2 Platform, Enterprise Edition (J2EETM)
- JavaTM Management Extensions (JMX)
- JDBCTM 3.0 API Documentation
- J2EE Connector Architecture V1.5 specification
- What's New in the J2EE Connector Architecture 1.5
- What's New in the J2EE Connector Architecture 1.5 (Part 2)
CMP persistence functions
Though this article addresses the EJB 2.0 specification, you still might find parts of it pertinent to your environment.
Container-managed relationships
Though this article addresses the EJB 2.0 specification, you still might find parts of it pertinent to your environment.
Resource references
Though this article addresses the EJB 2.0 specification, you still might find parts of it pertinent to your environment.
Resource adapters
- The J2EE Connector Architecture Resource Adapter
Miscellaneous articles from the Sun Developer
Network and IBM developerWorks Web sites
- Developer Technical Articles & Tips -- Articles: Database Access (Sun Developer Network)
- Sharing connections in WAS V5 (Still pertinent to WebSphere Application Server v6)
- Database authentication in WebSphere Application Server V5 (Still pertinent to WebSphere Application Server v6)
- Understanding WebSphere Application Server EJB access intents
Rational Application Developer
WebSphere V5.x Information Center
IBM Cloudscape
- IBM Cloudscape
- developerWorks article: Cloudscape Network Server with WebSphere Application Server
DB2 database software
Supported hardware, software, and APIs