Configure the client-side collection certificate store using an assembly tool



Important distinction between V5.x and v6.x applications

Note: The information in this article supports v5.x applications only that are used with WAS v6.x. The information does not apply to v6.0.x applications.

A collection certificate store is a collection of non-root, certificate authority (CA) certificates and certificate revocation lists (CRLs). This collection of CA certificates and CRLs are used to check the signature of a digitally signed Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) message.

One can configure the collection certificate either by using an assembly tool or the WAS administrative console. Complete the following steps to configure the client-side collection certificate store using the assembly tool.



  1. Launch an assembly tool. For more information on the assembly tools, see Assembly tools

  2. Click Windows > Open perspective > Other > J2EE.

  3. Click Application Client projects > appname > appClientModule > META-INF

  4. Right-click the application-client.xml file, select Open with > Deployment Descriptor Editor, and click the WS Binding tab. The Client Deployment Descriptor is displayed.

  5. Click the Port binding tab in deployment descriptor editor within the assembly tool. The Web services client port binding window is displayed.

  6. Select one of the Port qualified name binding entries.

  7. Expand the Security response receiver binding configuration > certificate store list > Collection certificate store section.

  8. Click Add to create a new collection certificate store, click Edit to edit an existing certificate store, or click Remove to delete an existing certificate store.

  9. Enter a name in the Name field. This name is referenced in the Certificate store reference field in the Signing info dialog box.

  10. Leave the Provider field as IBMCertPath.

  11. Click Add to enter the path to your certificate store. For example, the path might be: ${USER_INSTALL_ROOT}/etc/ws-security/samples/intca2.cer. If you have additional certificate store paths, click Add to add the paths.

  12. Click OK when you finish adding paths.


See Also

Assembly tools


Related Tasks

Configuring the server-side collection certificate store using an assembly tool
Configuring the client-side collection certificate store using the administrative console
Configuring default collection certificate stores at the server level in the WAS administrative console