Configure nonce for the cell level



Nonce is a randomly generated, cryptographic token used to thwart the highjacking of username tokens used with SOAP messages. Nonce is used in conjunction with the basicauth authentication method.

This task provides instructions on how to configure nonce for the cell level using the WAS administrative console. One can configure nonce at the application level, the server level, and cell level. However, consider the order of precedence. The following list shows the order of precedence:

  1. Application level

  2. Server level

  3. Cell level

If you configure nonce on the application level and the server level, the values specified for the application level take precedence over the values specified for the server level. Likewise, the values specified for the application level take precedence over the values specified for the server level and the cell level. In WAS Network Deployment, the Nonce cache timeout, Nonce maximum age, and Nonce clock skew fields are required to use nonce effectively. However, these fields are optional on the server level. Complete the following steps to configure nonce on the cell level:



  1. Connect to the administrative console by typing http://localhost:9060/ibm/console in your Web browser unless you have changed the port number.

  2. Click Servers > Application servers > servername.

  3. Under Security, click Web Services: Default bindings for Web services security.

  4. Specify a value, in seconds, for the Nonce cache timeout field. The value specified for the Nonce cache timeout field indicates how long the nonce remains cached before it is expunged. You must specify a minimum of 300 seconds. However, if you do not specify a value, the default is 600 seconds. This field is optional on the server level, but required on the cell level.

  5. Specify a value, in seconds, for the Nonce maximum age field. The value specified for the Nonce maximum age field indicates how long the nonce is valid. You must specify a minimum of 300 seconds, but the value cannot exceed the number of seconds specified for the Nonce cache timeout field in the previous step. If you do not specify a value, the default is 600 seconds. In a Network Deployment environment or on the z/OS platform, if you specify a value on the server level for the Nonce cache timeout field, the value cannot exceed the value specified for on the cell level for the Nonce cache timeout field. This field is optional on the server level, but required on the cell level

  6. Specify a value, in seconds, for the Nonce clock skew field. The value specified for the Nonce clock skew field specifies the amount of time, in seconds, to consider when the message receiver checks the freshness of the value. Consider the following information when you set this value:

    • Difference in time between the message sender and the message receiver if the clocks are not synchronized.

    • Time needed to encrypt and transmit the message.

    • Time needed to get through network congestion.

    At a minimum, specify 0 seconds in this field. However, the maximum value cannot exceed the number of seconds indicated in the Nonce maximum age field. If you do not specify a value, the default is 0 seconds. This field is optional on the server level, but required on the cell level.

  7. Restart the server. If you change the Nonce cache timeout value and do not restart the server, the change is not recognized by the server.


See Also

Nonce, a randomly generated token


Related Tasks

Configuring nonce for the application level
Configuring nonce for the server level