Configure Web service client-preferred port mappings with the wsadmin tool
A client port type can be configured with ports that have different qualities of service. Use the WebServicesClientBindPreferredPort command-line option to specify which port you want to use.
Before you begin
If you have not deployed the EAR file yet, you need to have it ready or already deployed into WebSphere Application Server.For more information about wsadmin options, review Options for the AdminApp object install, installInteractive, edit, editInteractive, update, and updateInteractive commands
Use Jacl or Jython scripts, but this task assumes you are using Jacl. For more information about using scripting see Deploying and managing using scripting.
For each port type that is configured, one or more ports are available that implement that port type. When a Web service client calls a getPort method, the preferred port mapping determines which port to use. This determination occurs when more than one port can satisfy the getPort method call, such as, a getPort call that specifies the port type, but not the port. For example, suppose the Web service client is configured to use both Java Message Service (JMS) and an HTTP implementation. During installation or management, one can use the WebServicesClientBindPreferredPort command to configure the preferred port of the application to use the transport of choice.To configure the preferred port mapping with the wsadmin tool proceed with the following steps:
- Launch a scripting command.
- At the wsadmin command prompt, enter the command syntax. Use install, installInteractive, edit or editInteractive options. The following example is the correct syntax form
The example shows multiple modules and URL endpoints, because one can edit multiple URL fragments. where$AdminApp install app_name {-usedefaultbindings -deployejb -WebServicesClientBindPreferredPort {{<module_name> <EJB_name> <Web_service> <port_type> <port_name>}}
- app_name is the application name, for example MultiEjbJar.ear
- EJB_name is the name of the enterprise bean module that is not a Web module, for example, Exchange
- module_name is the module name, for example ejbclientonly.jar
- Web_service is the name of the Web service, for example service/StockQuoteService
- port_type is the port type information, for example {}StockQuote
- port_name is the port name, for example {}StockQuote
You have configured Web service client-preferred port mappings with the wsadmin tool.
$AdminApp install MultiEjbJar.ear {-WebServicesClientBindPreferredPort {{ejbclientonly.jar Exchange service/StockQuoteService {}StockQuote {}StockQuote}...}}The port type information that drives the creation of the WebServicesClientBindPreferredPort option data resides in the client WSDL file. Because valid preferred port mappings are restricted to ports that implement the interface of the port type, validation requires the implementation type of each port. The client WSDL file must be accessed to determine both the type and the implementation information.
The client WSDL file name is in the ServiceRef attribute of the Web service client deployment descriptor. Depending on the module type and version, the client deployment descriptor is located in either the application-client.xml file; the web.xml file, or the ejb-jar.xml file. If you are using J2EE 1.3, the client deployment descriptor information is located in the webservices.xml file.
What to do next
Now one can finish any other configurations, start or restart the application, and verify expected behavior of the Web service.
Related Tasks
Web services client bindings
See Also
Options for the AdminApp object install, installInteractive, edit, editInteractive, update, and updateInteractive commands