Configure JMS resources for the WebSphere MQ messaging provider

Use the following tasks to configure the connection factories and destinations for the WebSphere MQ JMS provider.



You only need to complete these tasks if WebSphere Application Server supports enterprise applications that use JMS resources provided by WebSphere MQ. To enable use of resources provider by WebSphere MQ, have installed and configured WebSphere MQ JMS support, as described in Installing and configuring WebSphere MQ as the JMS provider.

Use the WebSphere administrative console to configure JMS connections factories, JMS queues, and JMS topics for WebSphere MQ as the messaging provider.

the administrative console, if you set the scope of the WebSphere MQ messaging provider to cell scope or to node scope for a WebSphere Application Server v6 node, one can configure JMS 1.1 resources and properties. This includes unified JMS connection factories for use by both point-to-point and publish/subscribe JMS 1.1 applications. With JMS 1.1, this approach is preferred to the domain-specific queue connection factory and topic connection factory. If you set the scope to a WAS V5 node, one can only configure domain-specific JMS resources, and the subset of properties that apply to WebSphere Application Server V5.

For more information about configuring JMS resources for the WebSphere MQ messaging provider, see the following topics. These topics include optional steps for you to create a new JMS resource.

Configuring resources for WAS v6:


See also

Configuring a unified JMS connection factory, for WebSphere MQ
Configuring a JMS queue connection factory, for WebSphere MQ
Configuring a JMS topic connection factory, for WebSphere MQ
Configuring a JMS queue destination, for WebSphere MQ
Configuring a JMS topic destination, for WebSphere MQ
Configuring WebSphere MQ connection pooling




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