Common Base Event factory home
Event Factory homes provide Event Factory instantiation based on a unique factory name. Event Factory home implementations are tightly coupled with content handlers which are used to populate Common Base Events with template or default data. Event Factory instances are maintained by the associated Event Factory home based on their unique name. For example, when application code requests a named Event Factory, the newly created Event Factory instance is returned and persisted for future requests for that named Event Factory. An abstract Event Factory home class provides the implementation for the APIs in the Event Factory home interface. Implementers extend the abstract Event Factory home class and implement the createContentHandler() API to create a typed content handler based on the type of the Event Factory home implementation.
In the WebSphere Application Server, the default Event Factory home obtained with a call to EventFactoryContext.getInstance().getEventFactoryHome() is associated with a ContentHandler capable of supplying both event template information, as well as WAS runtime default information.
More details can be found in the javadoc for at