Cloudscape V5.1.60x post installation instructions

V5.1.6 (plus any subsequent fix packs for this version) is the minimum level of Cloudscape that is required for WebSphere Application Server V6.0 - V6.0.2.


About this task

After installing Cloudscape V5.1.60x, complete the following steps before we can access the database.

If you are running a WAS Network Deployment configuration, ensure the correct server or scope is set before completing these steps.



  1. Upgrade or migrate any existing database instances.

    1. Backup an existing database.

      You must complete a backup in case you have to access the previous version of Cloudscape. After you migrate a database, we cannot access your old database unless you perform a backup.

    2. Migrate an existing database by doing the following:
      • Set the connectionAttributes custom property to upgrade=true.

        The data source is located in the WAS administrative console under the JDBC providers.

      • If you are using the cview interface, located in the WAS_HOME/cloudscape51/bin/embedded directory, click yes when you see the upgrade database prompt.

        Note: Ensure you migrate defaultDB, which is located in the WAS_HOME/bin/DefaultDB directory.

  2. Set or change the class path definitions in any existing JDBC providers, which are defined to use Cloudscape. Cloudscape JAR files will not load when WAS is active.

    Use the WebSphere Application Server environment variable ${CLOUDSCAPE_JDBC_DRIVER_PATH}\db2j.jar to point to the new version of Cloudscape.

    The CLOUDSCAPE_JDBC_DRIVER_PATH environment variable is defined in WAS with a value of WAS_HOME/cloudscape/lib.

    In a Network Deployment configuration, ensure the correct server or scope is set for this variable to take effect. Typically the scope is the server on which you are running Cloudscape.

  3. If the application server is running Cloudscape as a persistent store for UDDI in previous versions, additional steps are necessary.

    The server SystemOut log might issue this message:

    The data source class name could not be found.

    This is because the Cloudscape JAR file has moved to from its location in version 5.x to a new location in version 5.1x.

    To correct this situation, do the following:

    1. Upgrade the database to Cloudscape 5.1.60x.
    2. Rerun the install script, or edit the class path field in the data source.