Best practices for standard, dynamic, and open MBeans

This article discusses recommended guidelines for standard, dynamic, and open MBeans.

The underlying interface for the WAS administrative service is AdminService. Remote access occurs through the AdminControl scripting object.

For WebSphere Application Server V5, the MBean registration and capabilities are as follows:

MBean type Registered with: Capabilities
Model WebSphere Application Server administrative service Local access is through the WebSphere Application Server administrative service or the MBean server. Remote access is through the WAS administrative service, and WebSphere Application Server security.
Standard, dynamic, or open MBean server Local access is through the WebSphere Application Server administrative service or the MBean server on the distributed platform.

For V6, one can optionally register standard, dynamic, and open custom MBeans with the WAS administrative service to take advantage of the capabilities that in V5 are available only to model MBeans.

V6 introduces a special run-time collaborator that you use with standard, dynamic or open custom MBeans to register the custom MBeans with the WAS administrative service. The standard, dynamic, and open MBeans display in the administrative service as model MBeans. The administrative service uses the capabilities available to MBeans that are registered with the administrative service.

For WAS V6, the MBean registration and capabilities are as follows:

MBean type Registered with: Capabilities
Model, and optionally standard, dynamic, or open WebSphere Application Server administrative service Local access is through the WebSphere Application Server administrative service or the MBean server. Remote access is through the WAS administrative service, and WebSphere Application Server security.
Standard, dynamic, or open MBean server Local access is through the WebSphere Application Server administrative service or the MBean server on the distributed platform.


Related Tasks

Creating and registering standard, dynamic, and open custom MBeans