Batch compiler class path

The batch compiler builds its class path as shown in the table below. When the batch compiler target is a WAR file and war.path is supplied, the configuration additional.classpath parameter is used to give extra class path information.

  Batch compiler target
Location added to class path ear.path war.path
WebSphere Application Server JAR files and classes yes yes yes
JAR files listed in manifest class path for a Web module yes yes yes, when the target WAR is inside an EAR and –extractToDir is not used; otherwise, no.
Shared libraries yes no no
Web module JAR files and classes yes yes yes
additional.classpath parameter to batch compiler no no yes
jspCompileClassPath parameter When this parameter is used, the only change to the information above is that a subset of WebSphere Application Server JAR files and classes is used for Java compilation. All JAR files and classes, that are given in the value for the jspCompileClassPath parameter are also added to the class path for Java compilation.


See Also

Batch compiler ant task
JavaServer Pages


See Also

JSP batch compiler tool
ws_ant command
Web applications: Resources for learning