Avoid port conflicts in coexisting V5 and V6 node agents



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Before you begin

Use this procedure to avoid port conflicts when adding a V6 node to a V6 deployment manager cell when a V5 managed node exists on the same system.

If you create a V6 managed node on the same system where another V6 managed node exists, the addNode command increments the port assignments of the second nodeagent process so that no conflict occurs. The Profile creation wizard also handles the port assignments successfully when you federate a custom node during the creation of the custom profile.

Contrast the V6 coexistence scenario just described to the following cross-version scenario where a V5 managed node exists.

Assume that you create a V6 managed node on the same system where a V5 managed node exists. Neither the addNode command nor the Profile creation wizard has a record of the V5 port assignments. Port assignments on the second, V6 nodeagent process are not incremented. Conflicts occur.

The conflicts prevent the second node from starting. If you start the V5 node first, the V6 node cannot start. If you start the V6 node first, the V5 node cannot start.

Perform the following procedure to create a V6 managed node with non-conflicting ports.



  1. Create the V6 Application Server profile or the custom profile.

    Do not federate the custom node as you create the custom profile. Select the check box on the Profile creation wizard panel to federate the node later.

  2. Check for ports in use to determine a starting port number for the V6 nodeagent process.


    netstat -a

    ...to check existing port assignments. Analyze the port assignments to determine 12 sequential free ports.

    This procedure assumes that no port assignments exist between 3320 and 3380.

  3. Change directories to the bin directory of the new profile.

    Assume that you create an Application Server profile named V6MngNode in the default installation root directory on a Linux system.

    cd /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/profiles/V6MngdNode/bin

  4. Use the addNode command with the -startingport parameter to federate the Application Server or custom node into the deployment manager cell and to assign ports from a beginning value.

    Assume that the deployment manager has the following characteristics:

    Host name Domain name system address.
    JMX connector RMI
    RMI port 8879
    Security status Enabled
    Applications to install DefaultApplication and the Samples

    Issue the following command

    addNode.sh nittany.ibm.raleigh.com \
               -conntype RMI 8879 \
               -includeapps \
               -user lions44 \
               -password PSU
               -startingport 3333

    The \ character is a continuation character for using more than one line to submit commands.



The -startingport parameter supplies the base port number for all node agent ports and increments all of the port values from the starting point. The non-conflicting port assignments let the new node agent run when the V5 nodeagent process is already running.

This procedure results in the ability to start your V5 node at the same time as your V6 node. The nodeagents can run on the same server.


What to do next

Learn more about the addNode command. We can also assign ports individually using the portprops parameter. The parameter identifies a flat file of key words and port number assignments that create.

The following example of a portprops file shows all key words and their default port assignments

WC_defaulthost 9081
WC_adminhost 9062
WC_defaulthost_secure 9444
WC_adminhost_secure 9045

After migrating a V5 deployment manager to a V6 deployment manager, one can migrate the V5 managed nodes incrementally. See Migrating a V5.x managed node to a V6 managed node for more information.