Application Response Measurement

Request metrics information might be either saved to the log file for later retrieval and analysis, be sent to Application Response Measurement (ARM) agents, or both. Request metrics provides response time for each of the major WAS components through ARM APIs.

ARM is an Open Group standard. Request metrics helps you to plug in an ARM agent to collect response time measurements.

WebSphere Application Server supports ARM 4.0 agent and Tivoli 2.0 ARM agent.

We can choose your own ARM implementation providers to obtain the ARM implementation libraries. Place the ARM API JAR files, found in the lib directory of the ARM provider, in the WebSphere Application Server lib directory. In the case of Tivoli Monitoring Transaction Performance, V5.3, copy the armjni.jar and core_util.jar files from the Tivoli Monitoring Transaction Performance <tmtp_install_root>/lib installation root directory to the <install_root>/lib directory, which is the WAS installation root directory. If the underlying ARM implementation is ARM 4.0, we need to specify the ARM transaction factory class name. Otherwise, this specification is not required.

See the article Performance: Resources for learning for more information about the ARM specifications.


Related Tasks

Getting performance data from request metrics


See Also

Performance: Resources for learning