Access schedulers



Each configured scheduler is available using the Scheduler API from a J2EE server application, such as a servlet or EJB module. Use a JNDI name or resource reference to access schedulers. Each scheduler is also available using the JMX API, using its associated WASScheduler MBean.

Scheduler and WASScheduler interfaces are the starting point for all scheduler activities. Each scheduler is independent and allows task life cycle operations, such as creating new tasks.



  1. Locate schedulers using the javax.naming.Context.lookup() method from a J2EE server application, such as a servlet or EJB module like the following example:

    //lookup the scheduler to be used
    import javax.naming.InitialContext;
    Scheduler scheduler = (Scheduler)new InitialContext.lookup("java:comp/env/sched/MyScheduler");

  2. Use wsadmin to locate a WASScheduler MBean using JACL scripting:

    set jndiName sched/MyScheduler
    # Map the JNDI name to the mbean name.  The mbean name is 
    # formed by replacing the / in the JNDI namewith . and prepending 
    # Scheduler_ 
    regsub -all {/} $jndiName "." jndiName
    set mbeanName Scheduler_$jndiName
    puts "Looking-up Scheduler MBean $mbeanName"
    set sched [$AdminControl queryNames WebSphere:*,type=WASScheduler,name=$mbeanName]
    puts $sched



The scheduler is now available to use from a J2EE server application or from a JMX API client. To create a task see the topics, Developing a task that calls a session bean or Developing a task that sends a JMS message.


Related Tasks

Developing and scheduling tasks
Developing a task that calls a session bean
Developing a task that sends a Java Message Service message


See Also

MBean Javadoc