Retrieving further activity reports

If the activity reports related to a message have been retrieved from the reply-to queue that the message specified, but the necessary information has not been determined, then further activity reports might be available. To determine the locations of any further activity reports, do the following:

  1. If there are any queue managers in the queue manager network that deliver activity reports to a common queue, do the following. For information on using a common queue, see Using a common queue for activity reports.

    1. Retrieve any activity reports from the common queue that have a CorrelId that matches the MsgId of the original message.

  2. If there are any queue managers in the queue manager network that do not deliver activity reports to a common queue, do the following:

    1. By studying the existing activity reports, identify queue managers that the message was routed through.

    2. From these queue managers, identify the queue managers that are enabled for activity recording.

    3. From these queue managers, identify any that did not return activity reports to the specified reply-to queue.

    4. From each of the identified queue managers, check the system queue SYSTEM.ADMIN.ACTIVITY.QUEUE and retrieve any activity reports that have a CorrelId that matches the MsgId of the original message.

    5. If no activity reports are found on the system queue, check the queue manager dead letter queue if one exists.
      An activity report can only be delivered to a dead letter queue if the report option, MQRO_DEAD_LETTER_Q, is set.

  3. Arrange all the acquired activity reports in order.

    Once ordered the route, or partial route, that the message took is represented by the order of the activity reports.

  4. Study the activity information from the ordered activity reports, and try to determine the information we need.

There are certain circumstances where recorded activity information cannot reach the specified reply-to queue, a common queue, or a system queue. For more information, see Circumstances where activity information is not acquired.