Configuration of the WebSphere MQ resource adapter


To configure the WebSphere MQ resource adapter, define JCA resources in the following categories:

The WebSphere MQ resource adapter RAR file contains a file called META-INF/ra.xml, which contains a deployment descriptor for the resource adapter. This deployment descriptor is defined by the XML schema at and contains information about the resource adapter and the services that it provides. An application server might also require a deployment plan for the resource adapter. This deployment plan is specific to the application server. For example, WebSphere Application Server Community Edition requires a deployment plan called geronimo-ra.xml.

If you are using Secure Sockets Layer (SSL), specify the locations of the key store file and trust store file as JVM system properties, as in the following example:

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These properties cannot be properties of an ActivationSpec or ConnectionFactory object, and we cannot specify more than one key store for an application server. The properties apply to the whole JVM, and might therefore affect the application server if other applications, running in the application server, are using SSL connections. The application server might also reset these properties to different values. For more information about using SSL with WebSphere MQ JMS, see Using Secure Sockets Layer (SSL).

An installation verification test (IVT) program is supplied with the WebSphere MQ resource adapter, but configure the resource adapter before you can run the program. For information about what we need to configure in order to run the IVT program, see The installation verification test (IVT) program.
