WebSphere MQ resource adapter error messages


Table 1 describes the WebSphere MQ resource adapter error messages.

WebSphere MQ resource adapter error messages
Message ID Message Explanation Action
MQJCA0000 An unknown error occurred. The resource adapter failed to map an internal reason code to an error message. This is an internal error. A linked exception or diagnostic trace might provide additional information.
MQJCA0001 An exception occurred in the JMS layer. See the linked exception for details. A call to WebSphere MQ JMS caused an exception to be thrown. See the linked exception for details of the failure.
MQJCA0002 An exception occurred in the WebSphere MQ layer. See the linked exception for details. A call to WebSphere MQ base Java caused an exception to be thrown. See the linked exception for details of the failure.
MQJCA0003 A JNDI naming exception was thrown. See the linked exception for details. An attempt to look up a JMS destination in the JNDI namespace failed. Either the namespace cannot be accessed, or a destination with the supplied name is not bound in the namespace. This exception occurs only if the value of the useJNDI property is true. See the linked exception for details of the failure. Check that the JNDI namespace is available, that a destination with the correct name is bound in the JNDI namespace, and that the value of the property called destination is correctly defined.
MQJCA1001 The MDB cannot be deployed. Inbound messaging is unavailable. An attempt was made to deploy a MessageEndpoint object when inbound messaging was not available. Find the earlier exception that indicates why inbound messaging is not available. Use the information to enable inbound messaging.
MQJCA1002 Unknown ActivationSpec implementation supplied to the resource adapter. The application server attempted to use the WebSphere MQ resource adapter to deploy an ActivationSpec object that is not a WebSphere MQ ActivationSpec object. This is an application server error. For information about how to diagnose and correct the error, see the documentation for the application server.
MQJCA1003 The message endpoint has no onMessage() method. Deployment failed. The application server attempted to use the WebSphere MQ resource adapter to deploy a message endpoint that does not implement the JMS MessageListener interface. This is an application server error. For information about how to diagnose and correct the error, see the documentation for the application server.
MQJCA1004 Distributed transactions are unavailable. An attempt was made to use distributed transactions in an environment where they are not available. Make sure that the WebSphere MQ extended transactional client is installed if required, or use a bindings connection.
MQJCA1005 The JCA classes cannot be loaded. Deployment failed. The JCA classes were not found in the class path. Make sure that the application server can find the necessary JCA JAR files in the class path.
MQJCA1006 An incorrect version of the JCA classes was found. Deployment failed. The JCA classes were found in the class path but were not the correct version. This error can occur if the application server finds connector.jar in the class path. This JAR file is required by WebSphere MQ Java in a J2SE environment, but is not required in a J2EE 1.4 environment.
MQJCA1007 The WebSphere MQ Java classes cannot be loaded. Deployment failed. The WebSphere MQ Java classes were not found in the class path. These classes are included in the RAR file of the WebSphere MQ resource adapter. Make sure that the application server can find the classes.
MQJCA1008 An incorrect version of the WebSphere MQ Java classes was found. Deployment failed. The WebSphere MQ Java classes were found in the class path but were not the correct version. This error can occur if the application server finds an earlier version of the WebSphere MQ Java classes in the class path. The error can also occur if you do not configure WebSphere Application Server to use the correct version of the WebSphere MQ Java classes.
MQJCA1011 Failed to allocate a JMS connection. An internal error caused an attempt to allocate a connection to fail. See the linked exception for details of the failure.
MQJCA1012 Failed to create a JMS connection factory. A JCA ManagedConnectionFactory object was not able to create a WebSphere MQ JMS ConnectionFactory object. Check the properties of the ConnectionFactory object.
MQJCA1013 Failed to obtain an XAResource object. An attempt to access the XAResource object of an XASession object failed. This is an internal error. A linked exception or diagnostic trace might provide additional information.
MQJCA1014 Transaction begin failed. An attempt to begin a transaction failed. This is an internal error. A linked exception or diagnostic trace might provide additional information.
MQJCA1015 Transaction commit failed. An attempt to commit a transaction failed. This is an internal error. A linked exception or diagnostic trace might provide additional information.
MQJCA1016 Transaction rollback failed. An attempt to roll back a transaction failed. This is an internal error. A linked exception or diagnostic trace might provide additional information.
MQJCA1018 Only one session per connection allowed. The application attempted to create more than one JMS session on the same JMS connection. This exception occurs only if the application is running in a managed environment. Modify the application so that it creates only one JMS session on a JMS connection.
MQJCA1019 Connection closed. The application attempted to use a JMS connection after it had closed the connection. Modify the application so that it closes the JMS connection only after it has finished using the connection.
MQJCA1020 Session closed. The application attempted to use a JMS session after it had closed the session. Modify the application so that it closes the JMS session only after it has finished using the session.
MQJCA1021 Message producer closed. The application attempted to use a JMS message producer after it had closed the message producer. Modify the application so that it closes the JMS message producer only after it has finished using the message producer.
MQJCA1022 Message consumer closed. The application attempted to use a JMS message consumer after it had closed the message consumer. Modify the application so that it closes the JMS message consumer only after it has finished using the message consumer.
MQJCA1023 Failed to allocate a JMS session. An attempt to create a JMS session failed. This is an internal error. A linked exception or diagnostic trace might provide additional information.
MQJCA1024 Session must not have a message listener. An application attempted to set a message listener for a JMS session. This exception occurs only if the application is running in a managed environment. Modify the application so that it does use a message listener.
MQJCA1025 Message consumer must not have a message listener. An application attempted to set a message listener for a JMS message consumer. This exception occurs only if the application is running in a managed environment. Modify the application so that it does use a message listener.
MQJCA1026 An operation on a domain specific object was not valid. A JMS application attempted to perform an operation on a domain specific object, but the operation is valid only on cross domain objects or in the other messaging domain. Make sure that the JMS objects used by your application are relevant to the required messaging domain.
MQJCA1027 Only channel exits written in Java are supported. A securityExit, sendExit, or receiveExit property referred to a channel exit program that is not written in Java. Make sure that the definitions of all securityExit, sendExit, and receiveExit properties refer to channel exit programs written only in Java.
MQJCA1028 Re-authentication is not supported. The application server attempted to re-authenticate a JMS connection, but the WebSphere MQ resource adapter does not support re-authentication. In the supplied ra.xml file, the property called reauthentication-support has the value false. Make sure that you have not changed the value of this property. If the property still has the value false, then this error is an application server error.
MQJCA2001 Value of the following ActivationSpec property is not valid: {0} A property of an ActivationSpec object has a value that is not valid. Supply a valid value for the property.
MQJCA2002 destination property must be defined. The ActivationSpec property called destination is not defined. Define the property called destination.
MQJCA2003 destinationType property must be javax.jms.Queue or javax.jms.Topic. The destinationType property of an ActivationSpec object has a value that is not valid. Set the value of the destinationType property to javax.jms.Queue or javax.jms.Topic.
MQJCA2004 subscriptionName property must be defined for a durable subscription. An attempt was made to use a durable subscription, but the subscriptionName property is not defined. Define the subscriptionName property.
MQJCA2005 destinationType property must be javax.jms.Topic for durable subscriptions. An attempt was made to use durable subscriptions, but the value of the destinationType property is javax.jms.Queue. Set the value of the destinationType property to javax.jms.Topic.
MQJCA2006 brokerCCDurSubQueue property must be defined for durable subscriptions. An attempt was made to use durable subscriptions, but the brokerCCDurSubQueue property is not defined. Define the brokerCCDurSubQueue property.
