

We can configure a WebSphere MQ JMS client multicast connection to a broker in either of the following ways:

The TRANSPORT property must be set to DIRECT before the MULTICAST property has any effect.

WebSphere MQ includes support for subscribing to multicast-enabled topics using a direct connection to a broker where the multicast protocol defined on the broker is set to PGM/IP or UDP-encapsulated PGM. When PGM/IP is used, the client requires a native library to be present on the system path. It is installed into the directory specified by MQ_JAVA_LIB_PATH

This library has different names on different platforms, as follows:

PGM/IP can be used only on the platforms listed above. An error message, MQJMS_DIR_PGM_LIB_NOT_FOUND, is thrown if the library is not present or can not be found.
