Scripts provided with WebSphere MQ classes for Java Message Service


The following files are provided in the bin directory of your WebSphere MQ JMS installation. These scripts are provided to assist with common tasks that need to be performed while installing or using WebSphere MQ JMS. Table 1 lists the scripts and their uses.

Utilities supplied with WebSphere MQ classes for Java Message Service
Utility Use
Cleanup1 Runs the subscription cleanup utility as described in Manual cleanup, or the consumer cleanup utility as described in Manual cleanup..
DefaultConfiguration Runs the default configuration application on non-Windows systems as described in JMS Postcard configuration.
formatLog1 Converts binary log files to plain text as described in Logging.


Runs the point-to-point installation verification test program as described in Running the point-to-point IVT.
JMSAdmin1 Runs the administration tool as described in Using the WebSphere MQ JMS administration tool.
JMSAdmin.config Configuration file for the administration tool as described in Configuration.
postcard1 Starts the JMS Postcard application as described in JMS Postcard.
PSIVTRun1 Runs the publish/subscribe installation verification test program as described in The publish/subscribe installation verification test.
PSReportDump.class Views broker report messages as described in Handling broker reports. For information specific to JMS 1.1, see Handling broker reports.
setjmsenv Sets the environment variables on a UNIX system as described in Environment variables.

  1. On Windows, the file name has the extension .bat .
