

WebSphere MQ classes for Java™ Message Service consist of a number of Java classes and interfaces that are based on the Sun javax.jms package of interfaces and classes. Write your clients using the Sun interfaces and classes that are described in detail in the following sections. The names of the WebSphere MQ objects that implement the Sun interfaces and classes have a prefix of MQ (unless stated otherwise in the object description). The descriptions include details about any deviations of the WebSphere MQ objects from the standard JMS definitions. This is one of two packages which contain the WebSphere MQ classes for Java Message Service that implement the Sun interfaces. The other package is You do not usually use the implementation classes directly; you program to the JMS interfaces. Many of the interfaces do not apply when running a publish/subscribe application on a direct connection to the IBM WebSphere MQ Event Broker. Where the names of implementation classes are listed, provider-specific methods are documented.
