is a client application that is a publish/subscribe version of It sets up a single ConnectionConsumer to consume the messages published on a single Topic. It displays throughput statistics for each message listener that is used, and terminates after one minute.

This application has two versions of the command line syntax.

For use with JNDI, the syntax is:

java -Djava.library.path=library_path
     ASFClient3 [-icf jndiICF] [-url jndiURL] [-tcfLookup tcfLookup]
                [-tLookup tLookup] [-poolsize poolSize] [-batchsize batchSize]
where library_path is the path to the WebSphere MQ Java libraries (see The WebSphere MQ Java libraries).

For use without JNDI, the syntax is:

java -Djava.library.path=library_path
     ASFClient3 -nojndi [-qmgr qMgrName] [-t tName] 
                        [-poolsize poolSize] [-batchsize batchSize]

Table 1 describes the parameters and gives their defaults.

ASFClient3 parameters and defaults
Parameter Meaning Default
jndiICF Initial context factory class used for JNDI com.sun.jndi.ldap.LdapCtxFactory
jndiURL Provider URL used for JNDI ldap://localhost/o=ibm,c=us
tcfLookup JNDI lookup key used for TopicConnectionFactory cn=tcf
tLookup JNDI lookup key used for Topic cn=t
qMgrName Name of queue manager to connect to, and broker queue manager to publish messages to "" (use the default queue manager)
tName Name of topic to consume from MQJMS/ASF/TopicLoad
poolSize The number of ServerSessions created in the ServerSessionPool being used 5
batchSize The maximum number of message that can be assigned to a ServerSession at a time 10

Like ASFClient1, the client application displays throughput statistics for each message listener that is used, displaying statistics every 10 seconds. After one minute, the connection is closed, the server session pool is stopped, and the application terminates.
