Handling broker reports


The WebSphere MQ JMS implementation uses report messages from the broker to confirm registration and deregistration commands. These reports are normally consumed by the WebSphere MQ classes for Java Message Service implementation, but under some error conditions, they might remain on the queue. These messages are sent to the SYSTEM.JMS.REPORT.QUEUE queue on the local queue manager.

A Java™ application, PSReportDump, is supplied with WebSphere MQ classes for Java Message Service, which dumps the contents of this queue in plain text format. The information can then be analyzed, either by you, or by IBM support staff. We can also use the application to clear the queue of messages after a problem is diagnosed or fixed.

The compiled form of the tool is installed in the <MQ_JAVA_INSTALL_PATH>/bin directory. To invoke the tool, change to this directory, then use the following command:

java -Djava.library.path=library_path
     PSReportDump [-m queueManager] [-clear]
where library_path is the path to the WebSphere MQ Java libraries (see The WebSphere MQ Java libraries), and:

-m queueManager

Specifies the name of the queue manager to use


Causes all the messages on the queue to be deleted after their contents have been dumped
Attention: Do not use this option if you are using the broker-based subscription store. Instead, run the manual cleanup utility at FORCE level.

Output is sent to the screen, or we can redirect it to a file.
